During the past decade, over 260 feature length or animated films created by Czech producers have premiered in Czech cinemas. Over 40 of them were inspired by the literary works of Czech writers. The adaptation of books into film form is an opportunity, though it is also accompanied by many challenges and pitfalls. Therefore, the Association of Animated Film has decided to host another series of its ASAF Masters seminars and connect professionals from the worlds of books and film. The seminar was held on October 22, 2019 in Prague.

PhDr. Eva Šírová, Ph.D. – children psychologist
Anna Vášová – script writer, 13ka
Martin Vandas – producer, MAUR film
Pavel Ondrašík – director, producer, Filmový uzel Zlín
Katarína Kerekesová – director, producer, Fool Moon
Zuzana Šeršeňová – editor, Slovart
André Bergs – director, animator, Plastiek